Standards Based Grading (SBG) for Middle School Teachers
I implemented Standards Based Grading in my regular Social Studies classes a few years ago. When I first started with this grading system, much of my time was taken up with creating the new forms and documents that were necessary for students to understand SBG, keep track of their grades, apply their assessments to a 5-point standard, and help students to determine their grades. Ultimately, this took me bunches of time. I’ve gathered together 6 different documents to help you implement SBG in your middle school classroom. I’ve also included an explanation that describes how I’ve made this system work.
NOTE: While I teach Social Studies, as I’ve discussed SBG in my classroom, my ideas have spread! Many teachers in other disciplines told me that they’ve barely changed the paperwork. Therefore, these products should work for English, Math, and Science also!
These tools for SBG have been tested in my real classroom, and I’ve seen a definitive improvement in my results as after I decided to utilize Standards Based Grading in my class. You can read more about this on my blog at
Included in this bundle:
- Standards Based Grading Overview – This four page guide discusses how I made the switch to Standards Based Grading and how I’ve made it work in my classroom. I provide example rubrics and discuss my philosophical approach.
- Assessment Reflection Worksheet – Here students record their scores, and reflect on why they earned what they earned. I’ve provided a filled in example and a blank sheet.
- A General Holistic Rubric – This is a generic 5-point rubric that can be utilized for any short answer question.
- A Syllabus which explains SBG – This syllabus provides an explanation of SBG for parents and students and an explanation of my retesting policy. I’ve provided a generic example, and one filled in for reference. (This is also available with my separate syllabus resource.)
- A Quarterly Grade Conversion Chart – This allows students to figure out their grades, and convert them to a 100 point scale (if needed for your school district).
- A Request to Retest Slip – This is a slip students would be required to fill out to improve their score on any test or quiz.
- SBG Posters – These are the exact posters I hang in my classroom to explain Standards Based Grading clearly and succinctly.
All of these documents are provided in an editable format so you can edit them for use in your own classroom. I also provide a link to any necessary documents in Google Slides or Google Docs.
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